Duke's Big Numbers 1.0
C++ and Blueprint libraries for performing math, analysis, and formatting with really large numbers (>10e308).
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Get SI Symbol Group Label

Gets a SISymbol Group Label for a power of ten.

Member UBigIntegerFormatterLibrary::AppendSISymbolGroupLabel (int32 PowerOfTen, UPARAM(ref) FString &AppendTo, int32 &Remainder)

Flavor:Blueprint S& ← lblms BI S&

Member UBigIntegerFormatterLibrary::GetSISymbolGroupLabel (int32 PowerOfTen)

Flavor:Blueprint S ← lblms BI

Member USIUnitsGroupLabeler::AppendSISymbolGroupLabel (int32 powerOfTen, FString &string)

Flavor:Static I4 ← lblms I4 S&

Member USIUnitsGroupLabeler::GetSISymbolGroupLabel (int32 powerOfTen)

Flavor:Static S ← lblms I4