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Duke's Big Numbers 1.0
C++ and Blueprint libraries for performing math, analysis, and formatting with really large numbers (>10e308).
#include "BigIntegerFormatterLibrary.h"
Static Public Member Functions | |
static FString | ToDecimalInvariantString (const FBigInteger &Number) |
static FString & | AppendDecimalInvariantToString (const FBigInteger &Number, UPARAM(ref) FString &AppendTo) |
static FString | ToDecimalFullString (const FBigInteger &Number) |
static FString & | AppendDecimalFullToString (const FBigInteger &Number, UPARAM(ref) FString &AppendTo) |
static FString | ToScientificString (const FBigInteger &Number) |
static FString & | AppendScientificToString (const FBigInteger &Number, UPARAM(ref) FString &AppendTo) |
static FString | ToEngineeringString (const FBigInteger &Number) |
static FString & | AppendEngineeringToString (const FBigInteger &Number, UPARAM(ref) FString &AppendTo) |
static FString | ToNamedString (const FBigInteger &Number) |
static FString & | AppendNamedToString (const FBigInteger &Number, UPARAM(ref) FString &AppendTo) |
static FString | ToSINameString (const FBigInteger &Number) |
static FString & | AppendSINameToString (const FBigInteger &Number, UPARAM(ref) FString &AppendTo) |
static FString | ToSISymbolString (const FBigInteger &Number) |
static FString & | AppendSISymbolToString (const FBigInteger &Number, UPARAM(ref) FString &AppendTo) |
static FString | ToHexadecimalInvariantString (const FBigInteger &Number) |
static FString & | AppendHexadecimalInvariantToString (const FBigInteger &Number, UPARAM(ref) FString &AppendTo) |
static UBigIntegerFormatter * | GetDefaultFormatter (EDefaultFormatterType Type) |
static FString | GetScientificGroupLabel (int32 PowerOfTen) |
static FString & | AppendScientificGroupLabel (int32 PowerOfTen, UPARAM(ref) FString &AppendTo, int32 &Remainder) |
static FString | GetNamedGroupLabel (int32 PowerOfTen) |
static FString & | AppendNamedGroupLabel (int32 PowerOfTen, UPARAM(ref) FString &AppendTo, int32 &Remainder) |
static FString | GetSINameGroupLabel (int32 PowerOfTen) |
static FString & | AppendSINameGroupLabel (int32 PowerOfTen, UPARAM(ref) FString &AppendTo, int32 &Remainder) |
static FString | GetSISymbolGroupLabel (int32 PowerOfTen) |
static FString & | AppendSISymbolGroupLabel (int32 PowerOfTen, UPARAM(ref) FString &AppendTo, int32 &Remainder) |
static UGroupLabeler * | GetDefaultGroupLabeler (EDefaultGroupLabelerType Type) |
Provides blueprint functions for formatting BigIntegers
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Appends the number to a string in culture-aware decimal format
Number | The number to convert |
AppendTo | The string to append to |
S& ← strd BI S&
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Appends the number to a string in invariant decimal format
Number | The number to convert |
AppendTo | The string to append to |
S& ← strd BI S&
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Appends the number to a string in engineering notation
Number | The number to convert |
AppendTo | The string to append to |
S& ← strse BI S&
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Appends the number to a string in invariant hexadecimal format
Number | The number to convert |
AppendTo | The string to append to |
S& ← strh BI S&
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Appends the group label for a power of ten in named notation to a string
PowerOfTen | The power of ten to get the group label for |
AppendTo | The string to append to |
Remainder | On return, contains any remaining amount from the initial power of ten beyond the returned label |
S& ← lbln BI S&
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Appends the number to a string in Named notation
Number | The number to convert |
AppendTo | The string to append to |
S& ← strsn BI S&
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Appends the group label for a power of ten in scientific notation to a string
PowerOfTen | The power of ten to get the group label for |
AppendTo | The string to append to |
Remainder | On return, contains any remaining amount from the initial power of ten beyond the returned label |
S& ← lbls BI S&
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Appends the number to a string in scientific notation
Number | The number to convert |
AppendTo | The string to append to |
S& ← strss BI S&
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Appends the group label for a power of ten in SI Name notation to a string
PowerOfTen | The power of ten to get the group label for |
AppendTo | The string to append to |
Remainder | On return, contains any remaining amount from the initial power of ten beyond the returned label |
S& ← lblmn BI S&
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Appends the number to a string in SIName notation
Number | The number to convert |
AppendTo | The string to append to |
S& ← strsmn BI S&
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Appends the group label for a power of ten in SI Symbol notation to a string
PowerOfTen | The power of ten to get the group label for |
AppendTo | The string to append to |
Remainder | On return, contains any remaining amount from the initial power of ten beyond the returned label |
S& ← lblms BI S&
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Appends the number to a string in SISymbol notation
Number | The number to convert |
AppendTo | The string to append to |
S& ← strsms BI S&
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Gets the default formatter of the specified type
Type | the type of formatter to get |
BF ← fmt U1
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Gets the default group labeler of the specified type
Type | the type of group labeler to get |
BG ← glbl U1
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Gets the group label for a power of ten in named notation
PowerOfTen | The power of ten to get the group label for |
S ← lbln BI
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Gets the group label for a power of ten in scientific notation
PowerOfTen | The power of ten to get the group label for |
S ← lbls BI
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Gets the group label for a power of ten in SI Name notation
PowerOfTen | The power of ten to get the group label for |
S ← lblmn BI
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Gets the group label for a power of ten in SI Symbol notation
PowerOfTen | The power of ten to get the group label for |
S ← lblms BI
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Converts the number to a culture-aware decimal string
Number | The number to convert |
S ← strd BI
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Converts the number to an invariant decimal string
Number | The number to convert |
S ← strd BI
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Converts the number to an engineering notiation string
Number | The number to convert |
S ← strse BI
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Converts the number to an invariant hexadecimal string
Number | The number to convert |
S ← strh BI
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Converts the number to an Named notiation string
Number | The number to convert |
S ← strsn BI
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Converts the number to a scientific notiation string
Number | The number to convert |
S ← strss BI
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Converts the number to an SIName notiation string
Number | The number to convert |
S ← strsmn BI
staticFlavor:Blueprint |
Converts the number to an SISymbol notiation string
Number | The number to convert |
S ← strsms BI